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The thing I love most about the animation industry is the constant innovation- everyone is learning. I always knew I would go into animation given that my talents growing up consisted of drawing, acting, and computer science, which make up the backbone of the craft, but what keeps me coming back are the problem-solving puzzles of this sciency-artsy endeavour; 'How do we make this shot as effectively as possible?'

The drive to learn more is what motivates me day to day, which is why I am an aspiring CG generalist and love exploring every new medium I can find, but also explains why I subject myself to the daunting forces of language learning and travel for fun in my free time. Fortunately for me, studying language and people make for a better character animator and storyteller. How convenient! Any extra free time is spent on videogames, and I'm still trying to figure out how to best sell that hobby..

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